Sunday, November 02, 2008

Crimaninny, People

Is this just the month for authors to behave badly? I have so had it with viciousness. High school never ends, apparently. So you don't like a publisher (Because they rejected your novel, perhaps? You never make it clear why you hate them so vehemently.). Fine. But don't go writing lies about the company on your blog and then delete every post that tries to set the record straight. And don't sling insults at every writer they publish. Don't slam another genre, especially if you've never read it. Play nice on chats this could be the subject of an entire post. Don't use reviews for personal vendettas. And remember, nothing ever really disappears from the Internet.

It never ceases to amaze me how petty people are. There isn't a finite amount of success in this world. So why be so jealous?

*grumble, grumble*
I hate it when people buzzkill my groove. But don't worry about me. I'll be over here writing about a punker jumping on his bed while skull fucking his teddy bear. That will cheer me right up.


Helen said...

"I'll be over here writing about a punker jumping on his bed while skull fucking his teddy bear."

Now that's a story I can get into! Groove on, baby!

Kathleen Bradean said...

You know I'm all over that. For the first time in ages, a story that isn't for a call. Just (im)pure inspiration.

Amanda Earl said...

i love the word crimaninny ;)

Kathleen Bradean said...

I only use it when I'm completely gobsmacked by people. (there's another good word for you)

Amanda Earl said...

i am very fond of gob smacked. also flummoxed