Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ugh. I've Been Forgetful

I realized today that I haven't been updating my submissions file as I should. I could only think of three submissions I've done lately. On one hand, I hope I remembered everything. On the other hand, how sad is that? Three.

One has already been placed.

The second, well, he never likes my stuff, except the one time he did, so I try every other year in the hopes that I'll strike gold again. Chances? Not likely. But at least I'll have tried.

The third one, I have no idea. I love the publisher and what she's doing. But just because I like reading what she publishes doesn't mean I can write it. So we'll call that one a 40-60%chance of being accepted.

And oh yeah, I have one out at a contest. I guess I should add that to my submissions file too even if it's not strictly a submission. ADDED: Amazingly, last night I found out that I took first place at the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival short story competition under my Jay Lygon pen name.

I need to submit more stories. I should go through the calls for submissions to see if any spark interest. I haven't done that in a while either. I keep forgetting.

1 comment:

D. L. King said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again: You ROCK!

Very big congrats on the Seattle Erotic Arts Festival win. I know the story and it deserved the attention!