Sunday, March 22, 2009

Alone Again

Everyone who possibly would have been a roommate at Saints and Sinners Literary Festival has had to back out this year, so it looks as if I'm on my own again this time. On one hand, I don't mind being absolutely free to follow my whims. On the other hand, it would be nice to have an evening companion. *resists temptation to quote Streetcar Named Desire*

If you are going, and would like to share a room, let me know. If you're going, and want a dinner or drinking date, you know where to find me. If you're still trying to decide if you'll be going- talk to me. And if you want someone to take a cheesy tour with you... oh boy, am I ever your girl. The campier the better.


D. L. King said...

Cool! I want to do a haunted NO tour. I need a dinner date to Pascal's Manale. Did you know they put pickled string beans in bloody marys in NO--no, they really do. Mmm, mmm, good!

Kathleen Bradean said...

Haunted, or vampires? I vote for haunted, and really hope the tour guide wears a cheesy faux-hoop skirt.